19th Annual Automotive Swap Meet 

Join us on Saturday, May 17, 2025 for our 19th Annual Automotive Swap Meet sponsored by the High Lakes Car Club. This years event will take place at the La Pine (Senior) Activity Center located on the corner of Huntington Road and Victory Way in La Pine, Oregon. Cars, parts, tools, food, crafts and more! Free admission to the public. 

Click here for registration.

WE’RE LOOKING FOR VENDORS! Do you have a car for sale? Or car parts, tires, or wheels that belong to the car you sold two years ago, and don’t fit the cars you have now? Or, do you have extra tools that are taking up space in your garage or shop? If the answer is “yes” to any of these, maybe you would like to check out the AUTOMOTIVE SWAP MEET sponsored by the HIGH LAKES CAR CLUB, at the La Pine Senior Activity Center. You might get your garage a little cleaner AND make a little extra money.

The Senior Center is located on Huntington Road – next to Bi-Mart in La Pine. Swap Meet hours will be 7:00 am to 3:00 pm. For rental information and set up times, call Tammy Murphy (559) 410-1703. Vendors may bring their own tents and tables.

WE’RE ALSO LOOKING FOR BROWSERS! Do you just love to look through tools, equipment, and “car stuff”, looking for that “treasure” that you can’t live without? Come out and browse. You never know what you might find!

Admission to the public is free. Breakfast and lunch, with coffee & soft drinks, will be offered. Great food at very reasonable prices!

Please leave the dogs at home, as this is not a proper setting for them.


“You can develop a healthy and robust community and enjoy the positive results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honor.”

CONTACT: Tammy Murphy (559) 410-1703 or email [email protected]